- To enhance communication within the Church.
- To encourage involvement of each member within the Church.
- To provide spiritual support to those going through difficult times.
- To nuture the development of new convert
- To foster the assimilation of the new members into the congregation.
- To foster Christian fellowship within smaller zone groups.
- To provide hospitality services for the zones and Church.
- To assist the leadership in accomplishing the Church goals.
- Eugene Abraham, Coordinator
- Elders and Minister
- Zone leaders
- Every member of congregation lives in a zone
A. Coordinator shall be responsible for:
- Ensuring the purpose of the zones are being met.
- Working with the Zone Leaders to establish committees to meet the purpose.
- Monitoring the progress of the zones.
- Working with the New Convert /New Member ministry to schedule the quarterly fellowship gather to meet the congregation.
- Making sure the Zone Leaders have ACCURATE information to the members.
- Maintaining a telephone tree to be use to dissimilate information to the members.
- Reporting directly to the Elders and Minister regarding the progress of the Zones.
- Other duties as agreed upon by the Coordinator, Elders and minister.
B. Elders and Ministers shall act as spiritual leaders for each Zone.
- It their responsibility to ensure the spiritual needs are being met within the Zone.
C. Zone Leaders shall be responsible for:
- Making sure their zone has these four functioning committees: Hospitality, Outreach, Sick and Shut In, and Hospice.
- Planning and scheduling a zone meeting at least on a quarterly bases.
- Keeping an updated membership record of members within their zones.
- Monitoring any monies that may be collected within the zone. This can be done by selecting a Treasurer, but ultimately the Zone Leader is responsible.
- Notifying the Zone Coordinator or Elders or Minister of any information related to deaths or that will enhance the growth of the Church.
- Utilize a telephone tree system to dissimilate information to the members.
- Report directly to the Zone Coordinator.
- Other duties agreed upon by the Zone Leaders, Zone Coordinator, Elders, and Minister.
D. Members will be encouraged to participate in their zone activities.
Committees: Each zone shall consist of the following committees:
- A. Hospitality committee purpose shall be to:
- Prepare the meal the day of the funeral for the families that suffer losses.
- Assist in the preparation of meals for Church Fellowships and Feast.
- Prepare snacks for the Vacation Bible School.
- B. Outreach committee purpose shall be to:
- Assist the Leadership during special events by involving the zone with public relations.
- Evangelism projects such as handing out
advertisements about special events sponsored by the Church.
- Inviting people to attend the various events.
- Community involvement by handing out material, inviting people to attend community meetings and being an active participant in the community.
- Make the transition of membership to this church as comfortable as possible. Transition of membership involves new converts to the Lord’s Church and relocating of membership within the Church.
- The committee should welcome the new convert or relocating member into the zone.
- Visit with the new convert or new member by going to their home and/or inviting them to yours.
- Adopting a new convert or relocating member to foster their Christian growth.
- Assist the Leadership during special events by involving the zone with public relations.
- C. Sick and Shut In committee purpose shall be to:
- Visit the sick and shut in person in the hospital, nursing home or their home on a regular bases.
- Provide spiritual support to the person or their family during time of illness.
- D. Hospice committee purpose shall be to:
- Provide support to the patient and family will going through what is thought to be the final stages of death.
- Provide spiritual support to the patient and the family prior to death and the family after death.
- Educate the families to the benefits of medical hospice care.